Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 70 - Small Request

If you happen to live in an area outside of DC-MD-VA-NC-SC and you know for a fact that I'm unaware of you reading the blog...

Would you be so kind as to shoot an email over to letting me know where you're from?

So if you somehow, through the grapevine, are reading the blog live from a cubicle in Jupiter, Florida then by all means let me know...

I'm really hoping I get someone in Texas or Oklahoma or the Dakotas reading because that would be downright crazy to me...

And if you're from outside of the US and reading I will figure out a way to thank you...maybe an autographed drawing by the kids or something...

Actually, yeah, the person who is reading from the farthest away gets an autographed drawing by either all 3 or a drawing by each (your choice...)

All you need to do is send me an email telling me how many miles away you are...

After verifying distances, I will post the Top 5 with #1 getting the prize...


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