Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day 79 - Early Dismissal

So, I'm checking out early because my little sister is graduating from high school today...I'm only telling you because this might be my last post...

Meanwhile, here's the convo I just overheard:

Joe - "Ethan how many girlfriends do you have?"

Ethan - "I don't KNOW!"

Owen - "He has Miss Lindsay, Suzie (my aunt), Victor's sisters...Tia (Joe's sister)"

Joe - "Wait...Tia? That's kind of weird"

Summer - "...Grammaw"

Joe - "Are y'all just naming girls now? Man, Ethan's going to have a huge alimony bill...You're going to end up like Travis Henry..."

Ethan - "NOOOOO"

Side Note: After Joe and I started discussing Travis Henry he tells me in a matter of fact way

"Hey, you know Travis Henry is like Forrest Gump right?"

"You mean he's a movie character who doesn't really exist?"

"No I mean he's not stupid stupid but more like half retarded..."

"Wait seriously?"

"Yeah...But I heard he's also really nice"

I trust Joe only because his father in law works in the NFL and also happened to attend the University of Tennessee...Which is where the half retarded guy in question played his college ball...So the source is trust worthy in my eyes...

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