Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 63 - Ethan Has A Crush

A Major Crush.

I would say, right now, Ethan is just a natural ladies man...I don't say that to suggest later in life he will continue showing women more interest than Owen does...I only bring this up to put what will follow into context...

As many of you know, Ethan has been attending these exercise class things for the last couple weeks...Naturally, being the mini politician he is, he has managed to bond with just about every person inside this place. Luckily, for him, every single person is of the female variety...and they eat his nonsense up.

It takes Ethan maybe 6 minutes and one of his patented hug/kiss combos - where he death grips your neck, whispers big hug in your ear and then kisses you on the cheek - to win just about anyone over...

Taking all of this into consideration it's no surprise they enjoy Ethan's presence...What I didn't realize or anticipate was Ethan enjoying the presence of one of them...

However, this week with Miss Lindsay out on vacation, the truth has emerged in a passive aggressive manner. Apparently, he spent a large portion of today asking Miss Courtney, Miss Trish, and Miss Jessica all about her...

Being that these women aren't new to the game, they saw through his weak questions and discovered his true intentions: He loves this chick (Sorry for calling her a chick, Jessie Spano...speaking of Jessie Spano)...

Anyway, being the really mature 25 year old man I am, once I found out I just kept making comments about his crush and Ethan, being the cool kid he is, just kept yelling "WHAT?" like Lil John and then smiling and blushing...

Eventually, this turned into "WHAT!? Don't say that to me!" which had myself and Miss Jessica laughing pretty hard...If nothing else, he knows when his shtick is working...

So all in all, will anything come out of this crush? I hope not because Miss Lindsay has to be in her twenties and since Ethan has yet to hit puberty something tells me he's not for her.

Not to mention there are laws against that kind of stuff...

However, I still think this is great. He has a legit crush and she probably would take him home if she could (not in a creepy "Hi I'm your new neighbor and the State requires I introduce myself to you" kind of way way but in a "man, that kid is cute" kind of totally normal way)...

So he's 1 for 1 with the ladies...I couldn't be more proud. He asked me if I could draw a picture of her which is going to be tough because I don't think I can google her like I would google Wolverine or Cyclops...But I'm going to give it a shot and see what happens - if it turns out well, we're going to cut it out and take it tomorrow so she can get it upon her return.

Ethan is on pins and needles until then.

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